Spring Break

Sleep represents an important cognitive reset for your brain each day. 
It plays a critical role in consolidation and organization of thoughts and memories. 
Sleep, as a daily consolidation cycle, is replicated broadly in monthly, seasonal, and annual patterns as well.

For example, your urge to tidy up with the emergence of spring is a seasonal cycle. 
You tend to think of Spring Cleaning as decluttering physically. 
Taking a cue from sleep, where could you benefit from a Mental Spring Cleaning?

Perhaps there are thoughts, beliefs, or approaches that are ready for polishing (or replacing).
What mental frameworks have you adopted in the last couple years that need re-examining?
As a leader, your team needs you to instigate this process within your habituated ways of working. 

Spring Cleaning takes dedicated time to accomplish.
Mental Spring Cleaning takes a dedicated leader.

Espresso is consolidated coffee,
- Morning Cup